
Our Counselor


Exp.: 10 year

₹ 10/min

Sonny V. Love

English, Hindi, Marathi

Vedic Astrology,Numerology

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Exp.: 10 year

₹ 10/min

Sonny V. Love

English, Hindi, Marathi

Vedic Astrology,Numerology

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Exp.: 10 year

₹ 10/min

Sonny V. Love

English, Hindi, Marathi

Vedic Astrology,Numerology

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At Astrobrains, We provide counselling services for your every need of therapy moment. Our services include couple counselling, parental counselling, adolescent counselling, spiritual counselling and past life regression therapy (PLR). You can reach out to us to gain an effective and effective experience of counselling from the best counsellors.

Couple Counselling:

Relationship and Marriage are a beautiful union of two people who carry all their differences and yet have love in between and respect for each other’s perspectives. Arguments and conflicts are a non-detachable part of any relationship as well as marriage. Thus, any couple could not neglect and skip the disputes. However, it is love that carries a relationship to the finishing line. Yet, there are some differences that may cause tremendous contradictions between them. As a result, it may further take the turn of separation or divorce. Nonetheless, separation is not an easy task. Two people who have shared the blossoming of a friendship into a relationship have to suffer a lot during the breakup or divorce. Thus, all the couples looking for a second chance to look at the brighter side of their relationship despite the conflict should go for the effective Couple Counselling by Experts.
With the help of the counselling, they can give another opportunity to their relationship that once was everything to them. One may invest a good amount of time in other therapy and still fail to draw any beneficial conclusion. Counselling can be useful in making wise relationship choices, reducing relationship stress, restoring communication, or even getting away from a toxic relationship. However, the counsellor can analyse the root cause of the issues between a couples. Further, the relationship can survive and lead a healthy presence with the help of Couple Counselling.

Parental Counselling:

Parental counselling is a therapy that aims at providing the required tools, guidance, knowledge and support to parents without them having to worry about being judged, in an unbiased, healthy manner. Through parental counselling, parents become more equipped to take care of their family, especially their children.
At Astrobrains, we do not focus on helping you ‘change’ you or your children. Instead, we try and understand what has worked for you so far and how to use that as your strength to move forward. The process is about discovering your strengths as a parent and building strong relationships in your family. We believe in helping you move toward the family that you always wanted to be! For this, we will lend a keen ear to your problems, and will help you open up to us. In turn, we will share a fresh perspective and new ideas with you and offer suggestions on how you can implement new parenting strategies.

Adolescent counselling:

Adolescent Counselling is a method to help youngsters perceive their own feelings. It helps them to understand the most common adolescent problems like mental health disorders, risk of illegal behaviours, legal penalty, communicable diseases, pregnancies and addictions, etc. With the help of this practice, experts try to draw out an expressive nature out of the superfluous shy and introvert young people. Often, with growing age, youngsters become extremely shy or inexpressive or distant or aggressive. With the help of adolescent counselling, one can aim betterment and moulding the behaviour. In the counselling, the counsellor can locate points where the person might find emotional difficulties in their life. As the mind of a person holds their complex detail. It can save a good amount of time that a parent may invest in other therapy.

Spiritual Counselling:

Spiritual counselling is a type of counselling that focuses on a person’s spiritual life. There are a couple of reasons why a person may consider to go for spiritual counselling. First of all, they may seek out a spiritual counselling in order to explore or solidify their own personal spiritual beliefs. Some people might also seek out the guidance of spiritual counsellors when they seek solutions for problems in their lives, based on their spiritual beliefs. Although the term “spiritual counsellor” might bring to mind images of meditating yoga masters or bible toting priests, but they are actually all types of spiritual counsellors. Some of these counsellors are denominational, and they do follow one specific religious or spiritual path, like Christianity or Buddhism or any other for that matter. Others, however, may be non-denominational, and may incorporate several different religions or spiritual aspects into their counselling. In general, these types of spiritual counsellors usually believe that there is a higher force above us that interconnects us to each other and the rest of the world.
Spirituality is becoming more essential in many people’s lives, particularly as they grow up. As we get older, we may begin to question the spiritual beliefs that we were taught as a child, and strike out to solidify our own set of beliefs. We may also find that we’ve gotten lost as we tread down our spiritual path and find ourselves in need of guidance. Because of these situations, there will always be a need for spiritual counsellors and leaders.

Past Life Regression Therapy:

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a technique to recover the memories of past lives or incarnation. It is one of the best techniques to energize the soul of individual by making them visit journey of their past lives. PLR is a wonderful healing process as it works deeper on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. PLR provides us the resolution of anxiety attacks, chronic pain, depression, fears that quite do not make sense. Its main objective is to make life easier, better and more fulfilling, in this present moment. Past Life Regression works on the root cause and it enables extremely deep change to take place at the very source of the problem. PLR is based on the principles of cause and effect (also known as law of karma). Many of us have pain, fears, phobias, negative thoughts of attitudes that we know could not have originated in our childhood. Often, the cause can be found in a much larger story from past life that is simmering just below the surface. This cause may be a past desire, a past thought, past feeling, a past emotion, a past vow, a past promise, a past decision, a past evasion or a past traumatic experience. PLR is a therapy that delves into the past to make the present better. It is based on the philosophy that we are eternal souls who carry forward learning and experiences from one human life span to another. As eternal beings, we experience physical life on earth in a series of human bodies.