
About Astromind

Astrology is the mathematics of our life, derived from the calculations of your planetary positions to predict what the future beholds for you. Astrobrains is an online platform and an abode to your every form of astrology consultation. We have nothing but only the best list of passionate and professional astrologers from across the country to work with us. We provide you with the most accurate future predictions and free horoscope astrology online which is both effective and efficient. You can connect with the astrologer and get your expectations fulfilled. You can get consulted from best and seek solutions for your problems.


Our Founder

The founder of Astrobrains, Dr .Prasad Nichat, is a dentist by profession based in Nagpur city of Maharashtra. His passion and curiosity towards the outer world since his childhood made him learn and pursue astrology.

A Piscean by sun sign, he has now completed 13 years of work experience in his professiona life. Dr. Prasad envisions to help people in need, astrologically and psychologically which gives him immense satisfaction.


Years Of

Our journey

Dr. Prasad was always fascinated by stars, planets and other celestial bodies since childhood. Being always amazed about the night sky, he began to develop interest in studying about them. This turned him towards astrology. He has been gathering knowledge about stars and planets from various sources since childhood. But the actual beginning was in 2012, at the age of 25, Dr. Prasad started practicing astrology professionally. Despite being a doctor, he continued to pursue astrology as a parallel career stream and worked upon it harder. By 2015, he had already finished studying, analysing and predicting horoscopes of his close friends and relatives. This is when he decided to take his astrology to the next level. He then began studying psychology and went on to pursue a post graduate course in the same. This was to understand and establish a scientific relation between celestial bodies and human mind. By 2016, he began psychotherapeutic counselling combined with astrology. And then he never looked back. As of today in 2023, he has analysed 1100+ horoscopes (kundlis) and counselled a large number of clients.

Our Objective

At Astrobrains.com, we envision to provide nothing but
satisfactory outcomes. Our mission is

  • To help people in need with our genuine and honest advice.
  • To provide a strong and stable platform for budding counselors, psychotherapists and astrologers.
  • To spread one of the most ancient sciences i.e. Astrology, to every country of the world.
  • To make the world mentally, emotionally and psychologically a better place.
  • To contribute to the society, nation and the world finally by giving back something valuable.